
Thursday, August 18, 2016


I had something weird happen yesterday while at home.  While talking with my wife I had a sudden asthma attack.  As a child I had bad asthma, but grew out of it my early teen years. It threw me off guard.  Well, after a trip to the doctor he diagnosed me with some weird form of seasonal asthma and give me steroid shot right in the buttock and a breathing treatment.

I don't know if it is global warming, Donald Trump or something of that sort, but I've been all out whack this year.

With all that being said I'm now on a big steroid cycle so I should have super human strength.  Maybe I should try to push big rocks and challenge people to impromptu arm wrestling matches.

Since we are on the topic of performance enhancing drugs lets tie it in with some cards.  The Pirates really haven't had many issues with steroids.  Obviously Bonds is the cover boy for performance enhancers, but by all accounts he started using as a Giant.

Current Buccos Francisco Cervelli and Antonio Bastardo were named as part of the Biogenesis scandal and each sat out 50 games back in 2013.

The only notable Pirate to be accused of steroid use during his actual Pirate tenure was Kevin Young. He was named on the Mitchell Report, but he was retired when the report came out.  

I'm proud to note that I didn't have roid rage in the office today.  I'll keep you updated if I decide to punch a hole in my office tomorrow.  

Thanks for reading.  


  1. If you decide to annihilate a dugout telephone let us know.

    1. I think I'll pull the Sean Rodriguez and go for the gatorade cooler.

  2. Sorry to hear that man.The way my Mets have been playing I've felt prone to all sorts of attacks,lately.Hopefully what you have Is a passing thing.

    1. I've got the right medicine now, so I'm good to go. Not sure if my medicine will do anything for the Mets inept offense.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm just short of breath because of scared of what you are planning.

  4. i thought this post seemed a little too good.

    steeeeee-roids! steeeeee-roids!

    1. The pressure of high end posting got to me. I need a shortcut.

  5. I used to get a steroid shot every summer to help me through allergy season, so I'm pretty familiar with taking shots in the buttock (hey-o!). I hope your asthma improves!

    1. I did feel a lot better after the shot. The only issue is the steroid pumps you up so it was hard to fall asleep.

  6. Use this time to rearrange any 5000 count boxes you have been putting off 😂 seriously though, sorry to hear of your issues. I have a whole littany of health problems but luckily asthma attacks are not one if them. I do have trouble breathing around smokers and if it gets too hot though.

    1. I'm good to go now. I just needed an inhaler to get me back on track.

  7. Sorry to hear but glad you are ok. Hopefully blogger doesn't make you pee in a cup and give you a 162 post ban.

    1. The pressure of keeping up a post schedule was just too much.

  8. Gonna have to put an asterisk ✳ by your posts when you're cycling, hope you can breathe easier now!

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