
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tom Makes me Bleed Blue and Bob Walk Fall Out of his Seat

I'm sure P-town Tom is on cloud nine right now.  Cub fever is rampant. I can't go anywhere without seeing a Cubs hat these days. Some people get upset about this, but I think it is fun when a fan base gets rejuvenated. When the Pirates became relevant again they got plenty of new followers.

Recently Tom came into a whole bunch of fancy sapphire Chrome cards. I didn't know a whole lot about them when Tom wrote them up. I figured it was his way to make all of us subconsciously think about the Cubs. Looks like it worked.

I was a lucky recipient of five of these beauties.

 Nice AJ Burnett cameo. I always thought he was an asshole, but he did pitch well for the Pirates. We did a terrible job of replacing him last offseason.
 I think Josh Harrison is front in center in every Pirates celebration card.

Look at all this greatness. The main even is that 1992 Topps Gold winner card.

Your generosity made Bob fall right out of his seat...


  1. Haha...nice gif at the end. How many Bob Walk cards are there? And how many do you have?

    1. I think Bob has about 130-150 cards out there. That is a pretty low number because he hasn't gotten any love in newer sets. I would venture to say I have all the Pirate releases, but I'm sure I'm missing a few early year cards. I'm terribly unorganized.

  2. The Sapphire cards are nice, I picked up the Phillies team set

    1. They are nice. I'm a sucker for shiny chrome cards.

  3. Have you done a Bob Walk retrospective recently on the blog?

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, I was surprised how much I like them. Didn't really pay much attention to the last couple of years of Chrome.

  5. The Database shows 131 cards for him ranging from 1980 to 2014.

    1. That seems reasonable. I probably have most of them.
