
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Bob Walk the Plank is Retiring

You may have noticed I haven't been commenting on blogs as much nor have I been trading. The last couple of months I've had some drastic shifts in my job that really narrowed the time I have for extra curricular activities.  The workload has been stressful and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

With my free time I've decided to not spend my time in front of the computer.  A little more family time, travel and experiences.  At some point the opportunity may come up to get things rolling again, but for now the blog is closed.

I figured this was a symbolic time to shut things down as tomorrow marks my daughters 5th birthday.  As many of you know she is the reason I had the time to start the blog.  She was born at 25 weeks weighing only 14oz.  It was touch and go for a long time.  When she finally came home after months in the hospital she was on oxygen for an extended period of time.  This caused my wife and I to be up all hours of the night making sure she didn't pull the cannula out of her nose. Lots of long nights helped me get the blog up and running.

 This is her holding a picture of herself in the hospital

  Sharing a dance.

While the blog will be closed, I will continue to collect.  My Twitter account will be active showing new cards and I'll still trade.

I never thought in a million years this little blog would turn out this way.  I've met some great people (even in person) over the years.  While its an end of an era, just remember I'm not going away.  You just won't be seeing cards on here everyday.

Big virtual high five to each and everyone of you.  When I first started many of you made me feel very welcomed and I hope I made a few of you feel that same way over the years.  Let's continue to trade, keep in contact via email/Twitter and buying cards.

Bob Walk the Plank signing off.


  1. Oh! Hope life and work and daughter and all go very well for you and that you can keep going in the hobby, even if not publicly. Best wishes to you, Matt.

  2. Enjoy your family time and your offline collecting time. The blog will be here if you ever find time again.

  3. Family time is the most important time. Sad to see your blog go as it was a daily read but I completely get why.

    I still have your address so I will always have things to pass your way

  4. I certainly understand this. It was great to see you this week. Thanks for taking the time.

  5. I'm sorry to see you stepping away from the blog--at least for a while--though I understand. I'm gonna miss reading your posts all the time since we're such similar collectors. But I'm glad you'll be spending time with your family and still collecting/trading!

  6. A great man you are. Always in your corner-blog or not. Much love bro.

  7. Completely understand the stresses of family well-being. My four daughters were born at 30 weeks and saw extensive time in the NICU. They just turned 19, and though things aren't perfect we look back on all the time we've spent together and wouldn't change a thing. Enjoy your family first.

    1. Did you really say "four daughters"? wow!! I'm a twin myself but that's half as much work. Goodness...

  8. It's a sad day for the cardsphere, but yeah, can't become a slave to blogging. All the best to you and your family!

  9. Wish you and your family all the best! It was awesome meeting you last year! You will be missed in the blog-o-sphere, but I'll still keep in touch via Twitter.

  10. If I had a wife and/or a young child, I would not be blogging, so I can understand why you would want to step away... but it still kinda sucks though :)

  11. I wish the best for you, my friend. I've had a blast reading your blog and trading with you over the years! Virtual high-five right back at ya.

  12. Damn dude! Certainly can’t blame you. Have enjoyed following you since the start. See you on Twitter.

  13. I started blogging when my daughter was 10. You have 5 years to get your act together!!!

    See you on that other very weird social media site.

  14. I'm sad to see you go Matt as yours was one of the first blogs that I came across when I got into card blogging. On the flip side though, enjoying family time is a wonderful thing. Hope you and everyone stay well. I'll save your address and get things to you here and there. Catch you later on down the trail, friend.

  15. Sad to see the blog go dormant. I totally agree the time with family should always come first.

  16. Sad to see the end of a much enjoyed blog, but you're walking away for all the right reasons. Thanks for all the posts, the Secret Santa, and just being awesome. Much respect to you.

  17. Enjoy the extra family time! Thanks for the great trades and for always providing a great read! See you in the Twitter-verse.

  18. Sorry to read this. I have always enjoyed your posts. Always fun, always intelligent. I made sure to read every one even if I didn't comment all the time. Maybe you can find some down time and give us a quick update every now and then. You'll still be on my blogroll if you do come back, even if rarely. Enjoy your time with your family though as that is most important.

  19. It's been one heck of a ride! Obviously I'm gonna miss your posts... but I'm glad you're walking away to spend more time with your family. That's so important. Wish your daughter a happy birthday!

    P.S. Don't worry... you'll still receive random packages filled with Pirates once (maybe twice... lol... okay, let's shoot for once) a year. Sayonara amigo!

  20. Bon voyage good sir (but hopefully only temporarily).

  21. Sorry to see you go, but glad I got to know you while you were around. Best of luck to you in the future.

  22. Enjoy your quality time with your family.

  23. Thanks for everything, I always enjoyed the blog...see you on Twitter.


  24. Wow, so sad to see you go. I truly enjoyed reading your blog posts as a way to keep up with what was going on with the Pirates. Enjoy the family time. Best wishes.

  25. Sorry to see the blog go. Enjoy your daughter and family time while you have it! Best wishes and God bless!

  26. No shame in slowing the blog down, can always come back, enjoy family time and when she's off to college you'll have plenty of free time again!

  27. Personally very sad to read this, but heck yeah, you've got your priorities right where they should be. Thanks for all the fun you bring to this hobby - I'm still going to tweet at you when Baylor plays WVU, lol...

  28. Big Happy birthday to your daughter. Precious absolutely! Enjoy the family time. Don't forget about this Braves fan. It's been fun dumping cards on you, I mean sending you Pirates cards, I will continue to do what I do.

  29. Take care of you and yours, buddy. I have your email and you have mine, so we'll keep in touch. I've got a stack of cards for you waiting on my desk.

  30. Family first. You're a good man, BWTP.
    You will be missed in the blogosphere , but I look forward to following you on Twitter. Best of luck!

  31. Sad to see you leave the blogging world, but respect the heck out of the decision to spend time with family. You're a good person Matt. Maybe one day we can work out another epic trade.

  32. Bummed it's the end, but glad it's for a wonderful reason. Enjoyed your posts over the years. It's not good-bye, but see you around!

    BTW, all these comments and no reference to JBF possibly sending a massive retirement package?

  33. Your blog has been educational and loads of fun. I will miss seeing you here Matt but admire your reasons for closing up shop. Your daughter is prettier every time you share a picture. Your reasons for stepping away - or walking the plank - are admirable. Be well Friend!

  34. Enjoy the family time and as much as we all enjoy the hobby, it can't beat family.

  35. Thank you for your time and generosity

  36. Sorry to see you go but it sounds like it is for all the right reasons. I've always enjoyed reading your blogs and thank you for running the Secret Santas the past couple years. Those were fun

  37. Always enjoyed stopping by and checking out your cards. Thank you for sharing, enjoy your time away, and most of all enjoy your time with your family.

  38. Take it easy, I'll see you on Twitter. I'll miss yours and Wes' antics.

  39. Thanks for everything you've done with your blog. Enjoy your time with the family. You'll never regret it.
