
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Stan the Man

2003 Playoff Portraits Stan Musial Auto /50

This is my first go around showing an auto that doesn't pertain to the Pirates or WVU.  Back around 2009 I sold off a good bit of my non Bucco and Mountaineer collection to buy some high end Pirate cards.  With that being said I didn't get rid of everything and I will still buy the occasional auto that catches my eye to replace ones that I did sell.  This Musial is a recent purchase.

If you recall the Playoff Portrait autos were kind of odd as the auto was on the back of the card.  Either way I was happy to finally right and old wrong and obtain another Musial auto for less than $30 bucks.  Every so often I'll show off some of my autos that don't fall into my main collections. 

Thanks for checking out the blog!


  1. Are you kidding? Less than $30?! That's a beautiful auto for that cheap.

    1. Thanks Dennis! I think people must not like Playoff Portraits. Having the auto on the back is weird to some. Either way I get to add a nice auto.

  2. Nice buy, but don't spend your entire retirement account on baseball cards while you're recuperating!

    1. Haha! I actually started back on half days today. It was fun spending my days on eBay, but probably for the best that I'm back to work. The weird thing is I didn't even get that many Pirate cards. The 2014 releases have been pretty weak with Bucco cards.

  3. The portraits look great on those cards and I agree with Dennis under 30 dollars is a great deal!

    1. Thanks Brad! It has been fun getting back some cards that I sold off.....especially at a good price!

  4. Wow. You absolutely robbed the guy. Congratulations on that purchase.
