
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

One of my Collecting Flaws

I've been collecting all my life.  Like with most things, if you do something long enough bad habits show up at some point.  Case in point.  I buy most of my singles on eBay.  I'm one of the unfortunate souls that doesn't have a local card shop so this is the easiest way to obtain cards I want.  For the most part I do a decent job in monitoring how I spend my money to make sure I'm getting a good deal. Lately my own unwritten rules have been biting me in the butt.

2013 Topps Update Triple Jersey McCutchen/Alvarez/Grilli /25

Not a bad looking card. I liked it so much this is my second copy.  See I bought this same card way back last winter.  I pulled the trigger at that point because the triple jerseys are a tough find.  No regrets, the card has a good home in my collection.

A few weeks back another issue of the card makes it way on eBay.  I bid on it like an idiot because the price is low and it my mind I'm getting a good deal. Sometimes the thrill of a good price gives you tunnel vision.  Of course I win the card and now have two copies.  Sure I could justify it as a player collection and a team collection piece, but I don't catalog like that.  I should be slapped in the back of my head for spending money on a card that I already own.

Thankfully now that I have a lot of established trade partners cards can be passed along for something I do need. I just need to realize what I'm doing before I bid. There was an episode of South Park where Cartman was pumped up that Walmart had a three pack of DVDs containing only the movie Time Cop for $18.  He was pumped that it was such a great price.  That was me this time.....

Anybody have similar stories?


  1. Sort of similar. I tend to not check my "have" list before bidding, and end up buying cards I already have.

    1. My organization is terrible so that happens to me a bunch too.

  2. Last night I threw in a really low best offer on something I didn't really need and it was accepted automatically.

    1. Ha. If only that would happen for the cards we really want.

  3. I have a ton of stories like this where the price was low enough that I had to just have it. If you're ever willing to part with this, I will gladly take it off your hands.

    1. Shoot me your address when you get a chance.

  4. I won an auction the other day that advertised free shipping, including international. I bid on the card because it was really cheap, although I didn't want it that bad (not even part of my collection, just a nice card). The card was $1.75 andt he guy pumps up the price by $8 when he sends the invoice...tsss.
    We resolved the problem though

    1. Glad you worked that out. I'm sure you were pissed when you saw that.

  5. I do this every time I stand in front of dime boxes. I was cursed with bargain hunter fever.

    1. I think we are all there with you. If I see that Pirates logo I'm buying it if the price is right.
