
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Trade: Angels, In Order

I was happy when Tom from The Angels, In Order contacted me about another trade. It had been a while since we had swapped. The trade was centered around a few oddballs that he had, but he was nice enough to throw in some extras.

I'm a sucker for the mini Bowman Heritage cards. Love this Kiner.

The whole trade was centered around these Toys R Us Stadium Club Pirates. I thought I had these, but I couldn't locate them in any binder so either I mistook them for another set or they are stored away at my parents house. Either way it is nice to have them. Nice card of a very young Tim Wakefield!
 Bowman Buccos! Nice early card of Aramis Ramirez and Mexico import Francisco Cordova.
 O Pee Chee!
 Ultra was always kind of underrated in my book, or maybe I just liked them more than most.
Some Misc Buccos to add to the collection. I'm digging the Hermansen card. I think I must like collecting failed prospects.

Thanks for the cards Tom. Let me know when you want to swap again. I'm stocked full of Angel cards.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Oh crud, I didn't know that Tom had an entire TSU Stadium Club set. I should've asked for the Yankees cards he had too.

    Nice cards though.

  2. I agree, Ultra has been underrated. The photography is among the best and the overall quality is superb. O-Pee-Chee I love you! For my bday I need to get a box as I eventually complete the set.

    1. Ultra was a go to set for me in the early-mid 2000's.

  3. Most of my Cubs binders are filled with failed prospects, much like your Chad Hermansen. Things are starting to look up though on the prospects!

    1. Both systems are so much better now. I get sad thinking about the early 2000's Pirate minor league system.
