
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Super Donut

Before blogging, I had a limited knowledge on oddball baseball cards. Most of my memories were of Denny's hologram cards and Sports Illustrated for Kids. I just never really grasped how many cool oddballs existed.

Shortly after starting Bob Walk the Plank I quickly realized that the oddball card market was vast. You could be in for a life's adventure by just tackling weird releases of your chosen team. Soon enough I began receiving oddball after oddball in trades. This allowed me to get a nice base of what was out there.

While searching for some older Jack Wilson cards I came across this little gem.
2007 Jack Wilson Super Donut

Super Bakery is co-owned by Franco Harris and produces healthy pastries. In 2007 they came out with a Jack Wilson themed release. The above card was associate with that release.

I wasn't familiar with Super Donuts, but it seems they have kind of a cult following. For years they distributed just to schools and regional grocery stores, but have recently begun distributing all over the US. Part of me wants to order a case and see what a healthy donut tastes like.

I'm sure not as good as the real thing....

Thanks for reading.


  1. To me Jack Wilson will always be the face of the Pirates franchise. And I'm not saying that to be mean.

    1. He was one of the longest tenured Pirates in the last 20 years.

  2. Wait, donuts can be healthy? I can't wait to see these in my school.

  3. God, what must be in those things? "Roasted quinoa with pomegranate seeds and finely chopped kale, all gluten free!"

    I may overstate that a bit.

    1. Some kind of special dough I guess.. I don't think I'm curious enough to find out.

  4. Bad. They taste bad. I ended up going to 4 or 5 different grocery stores before finally finding one that carried Super Donuts, and had the Jack Wilson boxes. I ended up buying 2 or 3 different varieties, thinking each one might have a different version of the card.

    I wish I had saved the packaging as well. Oh well...

    1. I figured you had this card. Thanks for the warning about the donuts.

  5. "Before blogging, I had a limited knowledge on oddball baseball cards."

    You and me both.

  6. So, let me get this straight.... they made donuts good for you AND they come with a baseball card??? Why wasn't I aware of this greatness?

    1. An oddball food release that comes with an oddball card! I guess the company is expanding, so maybe you will see them in the Chicago area soon. I've heard mixed reviews.

      A few people I talked to had fond memories of getting them in school while others tried them later in life and said they are awful. I'm on the hunt for some so I can put the argument to bed.

  7. Replies
    1. Sorry man! If it is any consolation I see a good bit that you end up with that I bid on.
