
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mass Mailing

I feel a lot better now. Between traveling and computer issues I had been unable to send out trade packages for close to two months. That is way too long! Over the last few days I've been sorting and was able to complete 21 packages! I also have 5 more that are very close. Bob Walk the Plank is back in business!

If you were one of the contest winners rest assured they are among the group. I even threw in some extra stuff since their was such a long time gap between the contest and the actual mailing. It will be worth the wait.


  1. Replies
    1. You are getting the least amount of cards in the whole pile. That is a good thing.......

  2. Now that that contest is officially over, congrats :).

  3. That's pretty exciting - must feel good to have that weight lifted off your shoulders and placed into bubble mailers.

    1. I wasn't stressed about it, but the pile of cards was getting to the point where I knew it would be a project to complete. Sometimes if I wait too long cards tend to be swallowed up by 5000 ct boxes in order to rid tables of clutter. Finding them proved to be the toughest part of the process.

  4. Replies
    1. That big one in the middle is very heavy.....and heading to France.

      While yours is much more manageable in size it packs a pretty good punch.

  5. It reminds me that I need to take some time very soon and package stuff up. I've been too focused on my own collection lately!

    1. I have had no focus lately. Been a slow two months for me. Thankfully the blog didn't suffer that much as I have an extensive back collection to talk about.

      Found some nice stuff for you. Probably be a three part series!

  6. It actually wasn't too bad. The little envelopes are about $2.05 a piece. The International ones were a little more, but manageable considering the size and weight.

  7. I just got a package and am speechless! Wow! Totally blown away! Thank you so much Matt!

    1. My pleasure Daniel. Hope most of those were new to your collection.
