
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Trade: The Writers Journey

I don't hide the fact that trading is by far my favorite aspect of blogging. My area is void of card shops and shows so trading is the only way I get to interact with fellow card collectors. As of late of late I've been on a nice run of adding new trade partners.

JT who runs the blog The Writers Journey has been around since Dec 2007. That is some blogging dedication! His interests are similar to many of the baseball card bloggers, but he just happens to discuss them all on his blog. I highly recommend following his blog if you are not already. From music to toys he discusses them all.

Early last week a pwe arrived with some Pirate goodness....

 Gahhhhhhh! Rabbit will steal you soul.  Don't look at the eyes.

 The owner of the greatest game ever pitched.  Love adding cards of Harvey Haddix. Panini seems to do the best job with the Hall of Fame/Old timers sets.
 I love the team cards. Last year I went a little crazy trying to add some variations of the the 2015 issue. This years card is awesome as well, but I haven't found many of the parallels on eBay. Sometimes the team cards can be a little difficult to search on eBay since you are not searching an individual player.
 Collectors Choice holds a special place in my heart. The sets price point made it a frequent choice when spending my allowance money. High quality lower end options are pretty much void in the market today other than Opening Day. Man I loved Collectors Choice.

My favorite card of the bunch is the Kevin Young shielding his eyes for a fly ball.  Plus the back of the cards looks like this....

Taking infield like a boss!

 JT really hooked me up with a lot of Collectors Choice.

 Good bunt shot of Carlos Garcia.

Rounding out the onslaught of Collectors Choice is a great Andy Van Slyke card. Looks like an awkward slide.
A nice mix of some new products. I really hope John Holdzkom can regain his 2014 form where he took MLB by storm during the Pirates playoff push.

Thanks for the great cards JT.  I really enjoyed going through the Collector Choice cards. Lots of memories collecting that set. I'll be hooking you up with some Reds in the near future.

Thanks for reading!


  1. One line here hits the nail on the head: That there are so few good quality, lower-end options for collectors today. If Topps wants to get new collectors into baseball cards and cards generally, there *must* be good quality, widely available options for kids.

    And, I'm not talking about cards that cost $2.79 a pack or anything. I'm saying cards that cost $0.99 or less a pack that are not stickers and are not cheesy "Kids" sets with cartoons everywhere. A good quality set to encourage the set building.

    That appears to be too much to ask these days, though.

    1. I second that. There should be definitely a nice selection of product in that $0.99-$1.99 pack range geared toward those who collect on a budget (such as I) or kids looking to spend their allowance money on some baseball cards. It seems that the card companies are becoming more and more focused on the higher end cards and case breakers than they are for budget minded collectors. Having the majority of pack prices in the $3-$5 range doesn't play well with kids either who might be tempted to buy cards. Currently, the only product I feel plays towards these two groups is Opening Day at $0.99 per pack and about $30 a box.

    2. Yeah, sets like Triple Play are not going to cut it. Maybe the card companies should ask us!

  2. Agreed with you and Tony above.
    Also, I loved busting CC packs back in the day.

    1. Just had a thought: You might have to start a new Rabbit PC.

    2. Ha, I don't think old Rabbit has a lot of options.

  3. :Rounding out the onslaught of Collectors Choice is a great Andy Van Slyke card. Looks like an awkward slide.:

    I think he's just posing for Maxim.

  4. It seems like a lot of people have fond memories of collector's choice, myself included. I still get excited when I come across one of the gold signature parallels for any sport.

    1. It was a fun set to collect and something that would probably still work today if some thought was put into it.

  5. Collectors Choice was the perfect set as a kid. I have many fond memories of them being my card of choice during the summer (and winter for basketball!)

    1. It was a frequent purchase for me too. I'm sure if I ever start digging in my parents house it would uncover a treasure trove of CC cards.
