
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Play Ball

Little bit of a late post tonight as I actually had the opportunity to sit and watch most of the Pirates game without interruption.  My daughter was exhausted and passed out early and my wife had something to do this evening.  Quality Dad time!

I mentioned yesterday I pulled a few cards out of a box yesterday that hadn't seen the light of day in quite sometime. This card should have been with my collection the whole time, but I must have kept it with the original lot of cards when I purchased them at auction.

1941 Play Ball Vince DiMaggio

This card is surprisingly in good shape. The smudge on the top right is where I took off a sticker so it is not a blemish on the card. This has to be in the top 5 of vintage Pirate cards that I own. 

Talk about an athletic family.  Vince was a two time All Star for the Buccos, but for obvious reasons he and brother Dom took a back seat to the Yankee Clipper. 

I'm hoping to get a little time this weekend to really dig into some of these boxes and see if I can find some of my fun 90's inserts. Might make for some good trade bait to pass along to all of you!. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Ooooooooh. Can you see the excitement in my eyes from across the Ocean ?

    1. Look at me with old cards. I'm not 100% new stuff.

  2. That is one sweet card! Goo Gone will take that sticker residue right off.

    1. Yeah, I don't like screwdown cases so I'll probably find a one touch magnetic for it.

  3. That's a pretty great card to not remember having.

    1. I knew I had a slew of old cards, just thought I had separated out all the Buccos.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, it has a cool look. The set is fantastic.

  5. Great card from one of my favorite sets.

  6. That colored checkerboard background is awesome! Imagine using a bunch of these as your blog's background.

    1. I'll have to photoshop Bob Walk's face though....

  7. Yeah ditto to what a lot of people have said - this card is probably my favorite in that set because of the background.

    1. I'm happy it is back with all his Pirate friends now!
