
Monday, June 13, 2016

Marketside Stupidity

I had no intentions of heading to Walmart to buy the Marketside pizza in order to get the cards. It is not that I had anything against the pizza, it was just that the Pirates only had one player on the checklist (McCutchen).  Being a former college student and bachelor through most of my 20's frozen pizza was an essential part of the diet! Now my wife makes sure I eat healthy.  I try to tell her Pizza Rolls are an essential part of the diet, but I don't think she bought it.

So as with most of my card purchases these days I started browsing eBay. Being that the card was not all that rare it could be had for a couple of bucks. So why did I title this Marketside Stupidity.......????

Why is this card in a magnetic one touch you ask?  Because I'm an idiot, that is why.  This is not your normal Marketside card.

Yes, this is a Topps Blank Back 1/1.  I'm pretty sure the only reason these cards exist is to drive player collectors bonkers.  I wouldn't say I despise these cards, they are cardboard and I like cardboard, I just could have probably better utilized the funds.

When I noticed this card on auction my initial thought process was "hey this would make a cool oddball even cooler." When I got the card in hand I was much less enthusiastic about the purchase. In theory the price was great for a Cutch 1/1 (around $25), its just that I like more pizazz with my 1/1's. You like for rare cards to standout and this card is pretty plain Jane.

Later this week I will be showing a few of these blank backs that I actually do like and serve a much better purpose in my collection.  For now feel free to make fun of this purchase in the comments section. I'm sure I'll agree with everything you say.

Thanks for reading!


  1. "I try to tell her Pizza Rolls are an essential part of the diet, but I don't think she bought it."

    Go with pizza bagels. And nice addition. Even if it is a money grab, these blank backs are... existent.

    1. ZZ know what he is talking about. Pizza bagels!

    2. Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time. When pizza's on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime!

    3. Maybe I could convince my wife that since they are bagels I could eat them for breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thus, by depriving me of pizza bagels she is depriving me of the most important meal of the day.

  2. Fortunately I do the cooking at my house. If I say we're having pizza rolls, we're having pizza rolls.

    1. If you buy the supreme you will get vegetables! See, they are healthy!!!

  3. Oh man, gotta admit I was the 2nd place bidder in this auction. My apologies for probably driving your winning bid up a couple bucks! Glad you got it, though yeah, these blank back 1/1s are quite anticlimactic. Still nice for your collection on paper, at least.

    1. I'm getting on a plane to Oregon right now to settle this!

      In all seriousness I thought the price was still well within reason. I still think I had a few dollars to spare on my high bid.

  4. Your honesty is refreshing. I would say you paid "Market" value on a one of kind odd ball. It's a real "slice" of Americana.

    1. I always like to put the $ amount spent on a card as kind of a checks and balances for myself. If I'm embarrassed to put the amount that probably means I spent too much. I usually have five or so cards every year that I regret the amount I paid.

      The card is ok I guess. Gavin said it best. The blank backs are just a little anti climatic

  5. I can't fault you at all for that. I've got three storage units full of stuff don't remember ever seeing before, this is a card so it would be very easy to justify this one.

    1. I'm not disappointed that I own the card. It is a 1/1 of the Pirates franchise player. Once the card was in hand I just shrugged my shoulders and said this was "ok".

  6. A "pepperoni"-styled Superfractor would be cool for marketside parallels, not that I want to encourage that... I haven't been inside a Wal-Mart for a long time, I think I will stick to EBay for these.

  7. If nothing else, your purchase has led to schooling me about pizza bagels.
    As soon as I finish the pizza rolls bag presently in my'll be pizza bagels for me!

    1. Ha! I'm still pro pizza rolls, but the bagels are quite good too. They will be especially good if you have a little too much craft beer. Take it from someone with experience!

  8. Haven't had pizza rolls in years. Might need to do something about that this weekend. P.S. Cool Cutch. Didn't realize they made Topps Vault versions of these.

    1. For the most part I've eliminated my poor college eating habits. Every once in a while I'll have some pizza rolls or Taco Bell, but for the most part I try to eat fresh.
