
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Buried Treasure

I spend a lot of free time watching baseball. It doesn't even have to be the Pirates, I just enjoy watching the game. Whether it be following fantasy players or hoping the Cubs and Cardinals lose it eats up a good bit of time.

With all the free time created by the All Star break I've been doing some organizing. I first made note of all the packages I got out earlier this week. Always a nice feeling to get some cards to better homes.

My task today was digging through some 5000 ct boxes that I hastily boxed up last year when my wife and I were reorganizing the office. 90% of the cards found were Buccos, but I did dig up a few nice cards from other teams.

I believe this card was a holdover from my days where I collected everything under the sun. Between 2008-2010 I gradually sold off many of my non-Pirate cards in order to give my collection some focus.

This Avant auto was an eBay purchase, but Biggio has always been one of those guys that I seemed to pull out of boxes over the years. If I recall I've pulled three autos and a couple of jersey cards. Man, Fleer had a lot of different products doing this time. I don't really know how this survived the purge. I'll probably end up trading to one of you!

This 2010 Topps Tulo is a card I knew I had. I was a huge fan of Tulo and grabbed several autos over the years to keep for my collection.  I've traded most since I've started blogging, but held a couple back just because I'm still a fan. Peak Tulo was an absolute monster, but he just could not stay healthy.

I'm hoping to make a little more progress tomorrow because Friday begins 3 more months of distraction!

Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow, wish I could randomly dig up cards like those in my boxes! I should get a Biggio auto at some point but I'm like you and don't really prioritize guys that aren't on my favorite teams. Nice Tulo too!

    1. The Biggio is the only one I forgot about. I'm sure I can help you out with a Biggio auto....

  2. Nice couple of cards to "uncover" randomly

    1. Well it is common in my house that I have to throw cards in boxes in hurry.

  3. Great 'graphs! It took me years to finally get my hands on a Biggio autograph... but thanks to Topps, he's in a few products now.

    1. Yeah he has been in a ton of sets the last couple of years. Really helped bring the price down.
