
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How Could You Not Like the Drake.....and Jeff

Seriously though, it is oddball gold.  

My good pal Jeff (Wish They Still Came With Bubble Gum) has been on a little blogging hiatus, but is still actively reading and trading.  Recently he sent me a picture on Twitter to let me know he had this beauty waiting for me.....

I think Jeff has single handedly given me about 75% off all my Kevin White cards in my collection. Blog trading is a beautiful thing. 

Jeff could have easily stopped there, but his awesomeness knows no bounds. He sent me a bubble mailer full of great cards. 
Maybe the number was closer to 90%.  It has been a great month for me in terms of my WVU collection. So many great cards have been coming in via trade and eBay buys. Really making up for the lackluster year for Pirate releases.

 The parallels in Score can be tough to find. Of course I love this card because Karl is sporting the WVU colors. Joseph is a relative unknown because he was hurt his last year in Morgantown, but was still drafted in the first round by the Raiders.  He was one of the few guys I remember seeing on the defensive side for WVU and saying to myself this guy is going to be awesome.
 The greatest Mountaineer ever.
 Nice to see Wendell have a breakout game for the Eagles two weeks back. Hopefully he stays in the mix.
I always comment how glad I am to receive high end base cards. The Museum Collection Polanco is a very welcomed addition.
One of my guilty pleasure sets is Panini Prizm. The price point was great and the auto checklist was top notch.  I pulled guys like Biggio, Bagwell, Jose Fernandez and Noah Syndergaard.
Tim Foli was one of the last athletic looking Pirates of all time. He looks like a substitute gym teacher.
 When your favorite team makes a deep run in the Stanley Cup Playoffs it feels like the offseason lasts about 2 weeks.  I swear the Pens just had the victory parade last week.  They played an exhibition game the other day.
I require all notes to be written on Neal Heaton stationary.

Thanks so much Jeff. I loved all these cards. You really gave my WVU collection a nice boost with this stack.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Sucks about White going down again, really nice card though

    1. Yeah... IR again? If he can't make it back then he's looking at 4 games played during his first two years in the NFL. Ouch.

    2. I'm super bummed about his injury. Hopefully he can still salvage a career. It is so hard to be come an established wideout in the NFL.

    3. It sucks Tom. I'm already noticing a pretty steep decline in his card prices. I'll probably use this time to accumulate as much as possible.

  2. Great call bringing this post back to The Drake.

  3. What set is that Jerry West card from
