
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Unique Kip

Not that Kip.

2004 Leaf Limited Kip Wells 1/1

Nothing really too fancy about this card, but I was happy to pick up a high end release of an obscure Pirate. Kip Wells could throw hard, but his fastball just didn't have any movement.  He managed to stay with the Bucs for more than 4 seasons, but that was mainly due to the farm system being a barren wasteland. 

Hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving. 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
    Not sure if you saw, but Topps Achives 65 Anniversary Edition came out today... retail only, exclusive to WalMart. I mention this because there's already three '78 Teke autos up on Ebay, and one has the Best Offer option.

  2. Congrats on another 1/1! I wonder how many Wells cards you have vs. the number of Whitakers I do so we could compare your Kip to my Lou

  3. The Dodgers had their own Kip (Kip Gross). I always wondered what "Kip" was short for. Turns out it's short for nothing. It's just "Kip." Although Wells' first name was actually Robert.

    I'll stop rambling now.

    1. Thanks for the knowledge. I think would have went back to Robert.

  4. Cool! I used to pull Kip Wells cards at an alarming rate.

    1. You should have became a Pirates collector. Kip Wells is a gateway card.

  5. Thanks for reminding me. I need to get my annual Napoleon Dynamite fix and the clock is running out.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. Did you see that the Pirates are making a bobblechair commemorating the mighty Bob Walk falling out of his chair broadcasting?

    1. I saw that and the singing Cervelli bobble. The Pirates changed things up last year and had the bobble head days on Thursday day games. That made it rough to get up there. I only made it to the Cole game.
