
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Secret Santa

Secret Santa is Closed

Was trying to think of something creative to do for the holidays, but figured simpler was better. So my thinking is if you want to be involved in a Secret Santa just comment on this post and I'll assign each of you a fellow blogger that signs up.  In order to keep it a secret I can just send out an email to each person whom they need to buy for.  I'm thinking $10 is a nice limit.  Obviously you can throw in extra trade bait you may have for the person too, but if you actually shop $10 is the sweet spot.

If we end up with an odd amount I'll take the straggler blogger.

Just leave a comment if you are in.  I'll close the post sometime this weekend.  No need to pimp this as I think we will get a manageable amount just from the post.


  1. I love me some Secret Santa! Count me in!

  2. Sure -- this is better than a blogger White Elephant one really needs more 1995 Fleer, after all.

  3. I am absolutely in. I used to do these on Sports Card forum.. it's always fun to give and receive cards.

    If you need my e-mail it's on the wantlist page of my blog.

  4. I'm in as well! Thought about doing something similar but wasn't sure I had the readership to get a big turnout.

  5. Like flynn, am I.

    I'm in. That means I'm in.

  6. I would participate but I am thoroughly afraid of Tony L.

  7. I participated in one of these a few years ago on the blogs and it went well, so you can count me in!

  8. If you there's still time... I'd love to be included.

  9. Awesome idea! I'm away from the computer for a few days and I almost missed out.

  10. I'll join if you need one more to make it even.

  11. Me too! Never done something like this before!

  12. I'm in if your still open I think I'm 36 nice and even then! lol
