
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Relic Cards Can Still be Fun

Many collectors have grown tired of relic cards. Judging from secondary market sales, mega patches are the only type of relic that seems to have appeal. The days of getting excited to see a plain white jersey card fall out of the pack are long gone. 

Personally I still think they hold a place in the hobby. I no longer get excited when I pull one from a pack, but I still enjoy receiving them in trades and finding obscure releases of Pirates and Mountaineers. 

2005 Throwback Threads Matt Lawton Bat Card

This is the kind of card that 99% of collectors would get royally pissed pulling out of a hobby box. For me this is the type I love the best.  Lawton was a Pirate for half a season, so he barely has anything Bucco related. This card was a must get for me! 

Do you guys still like relic cards?  


  1. I definitely enjoy pulling relic cards out of packs instead of autographs. I could care less if it's a plain white swatch or a piece that contains all colors of the rainbow ... to me it's all about fun and the enjoyment of pulling a unique card.

    1. I still like them, but only get excited for Pirate releases. Anything I pull today is given to my trade buddies.

  2. I still get all kinds of excited about finding relic cards in packs, and because they are so much cheaper than autos I've been thinking about making them more of a target for my collection.

    1. You could do some fun stuff with that. Maybe try and get a relic from every player on a certain Cubs team.

  3. I've pulled so few i still get excited.

    1. It seems that their is still a market by the response to this post. That is a good thing.

  4. I still get excited to pull a relic whether I am opening Topps Flagship or or a high end set like Tribute or Triple Threads. I think part of the reason is that I left the hobby around the turn of the century when relic cards were still in their infancy. I've been back in the hobby for almost four years now but the excitement has yet to wear off.

    1. That is a good thing. I never really stopped collecting so the novelty wore off for the most part. The excitement is still there though if I get a Pirate.

  5. Always a thrill to pull any relics or autographs, even when you are guaranteed to get one.

    1. I think I would be more excited if my collection crossed over to a whole lot of players. I'm a team collector so only Pirates and WVU interest me.

  6. I still like getting relic cards whether it be from packs or the secondary market. I still regularly go onto COMC and sort the relics by lowest price and see if there are any cheap Giants to add to my collection.

    1. I still shop the secondary market all the time. I've just lost the pack excitement. I'm just as/more excited when I get a cool insert.

  7. I love relic cards. It's still one of my top searches on COMC.
