
Friday, December 9, 2016

Secret Santa Stuff

I have had a few people contact me about some specific Secret Santa rules.  Well, other than the $10 limit I didn't make any rules.  The most common question I've received is how to reveal the identity of each person. I'll let the sender take care of that.   I thought about having a big Secret Santa post, but that would likely get lost in the shuffle of the holidays.  Just reveal at the time of sending or comment after the receiver acknowledges the cards on their blog.

I'll still do some type of wrap up post after everyone receives their gift.  This might help some of the new bloggers that are participating gain some new followers.

Just use this post if you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. you can tell the person for whom i am their secret santa that their gift is in the mail, if you so choose. otherwise, they'll find out in a few days on their own. thanks for 'hosting' the exchange!
