
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Vault Metal

For the love of Teke this is awesome!

2016 Topps Legacies Kent Tekulve /135

I'm usually pretty good about checking out new sets, but I had no clue about Topps Legacies.  After a quick glance at the checklist it seems that it was a high dollar/high risk set.  It also had no Pirate hits so that explains why I never noticed on eBay until recently.

As for this Teke it seems that Topps gave a metal backing to some Topps Vault pics and created an insert. As soon as I saw this card I knew I had to have it. Bask in the glory of Teke! 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Cool Teke! The front photo is very nice. Is the text on the back hard to read? It looks like the ink is very dense and smudgey, but maybe that's what they were going for - an old school typewriter look.

    1. My scan was bad, but it is still a very poor card back.

  2. Nice addition to your Teke PC. I've targeted a few of these Topps Vault inserts, but I can't seem to find any in my price range.

    1. I think this one was only $5. A few parallels exist so you may have only seen those.

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, the last year has been a Teke revival. It was the only thing good about that Signature Archives set!

  4. I snagged a Ferguson Jenkins. You're right, these are great cards. But then again, all cards with Teke on them are great!

  5. I've got this set on my oddballs list but I haven't made any effort to get any. It's a nice card on the front, but the back looks terrible -- like Topps made copies of it 20 times and then used the 20 iteration to make copies 20 more times.

    1. Part of this is due to the scan, but the back does look bad.

  6. I've seen a few of these now and each time I think to myself, "gosh those look nice." Maybe it's time I actually went and got one for myself.

  7. Teke is a Man among boys. Great pickup!

  8. cool! I picked up Fisk and Kaline Vaults. The backs have the same issues. Still great cards.

    1. It is all about the image on the front. The card backs are awful.

  9. I love Kent Tekulve and have a hat to prove it
