
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Cole Mining

It has been a little overwhelming lately with all the new sets coming out.  My main interests have been Fire, Update and Heritage Minors. Being that I really don't care about getting the cards right away I usually just do some searches on eBay to get a gage on pricing. Last week this brought up a pleasant surprise.

When doing a search for "2017 Pirates" on eBay this beauty popped up with a BIN of $19.99. I thought this seemed like a nice deal for a non printing plate 1/1 so I immediately pulled the trigger. The card had only been online a few hours so I'm guessing this was just good timing as I don't think it would have lasted long with the buyer friendly price.

Quick question.....

What have you guys thought of the Fire set? Hoping to pick up a few of the Pirates soon. I like that it is retail only.  Now if we can just get them to make Topps Total again as a retail release!

Thanks for reading.


  1. Congrats on the shrewd 1/1 pickup!

    As for Fire, it doesn't really interest me based on what I've seen. Meh. I'll hope to add a few cards from it via trades and cheap card show pickups.

    1. I was happy with it. Nice to find a solid name for a good price.

      I'm looking forward to getting a few myself to see if they are worth a blaster pickup. Definitely mixed reviews.

  2. plenty of fire on the target shelves here. i bought a couple of blasters and will send you a pirate or two that were in there. i'm not too impressed, but at least it's different. collation still sucks.

    1. Thanks Jim! With that in mind I may just hold off from buying a box.

  3. I liked it for what it was. I bought two of the hang fatpacks. I might be biased since I pulled a numbered card, and Judge and Bellinger rookies, though.

    1. I guess it is hard to be completely shocked with a new set since so many resources online exist to research before release. I guess card stock, checklist and collation can still get you.

  4. Not interested in Fire or the design or concept. Too much "technology" in that there's very little of an actual photograph, too much digital-design.

    1. I'm all for "different" so I will give any set a chance. Some just work better than others.
