
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Boring Process of Winning an eBay Auction Made Better by Blogging

2017 Immaculate Collection Andrew McCutchen Multi Relic /10

When the majority of your collection comes via eBay auction you lack those unique cardboard obtaining experiences.  See card, like card, bid on card....hope for good deal.  I'm always envious of those that have access to weekly card shows or high quality shops.  When I was in Boston last year Mark Hoyle and Shane from Shoebox Legends tipped me off about a nice shop they frequent. I spent all afternoon digging in boxes and talking to the owner.  That experience was sooooo much more than my standard eBay auction win.  

Maybe this is why I like blogging so much. While not quite the in person experience, it adds an extra fun element. When I first started I mentioned that I was craving some interaction in regards to collecting.  You add blog post to the end of the eBay purchasing process and it becomes a little more enjoyable/personable.  

Obviously I'm aware that most don't care that I added a new Cutch card, but posts like this can tell all kinds of stories.  Maybe you completed a set, came across a card you didn't know existed or just got a crazy ass deal.  Blogging gives us a nice medium to give a virtual high five to one of your collecting cohorts or to learn something new.  Often when I see posts of new cards purchased I often look to see what Pirates are in those sets.  Don't be afraid of the "look what I just got" post. It may prove more useful than you think.

With all that being said this one card post probably won't be that useful :) 

I've posted several cards from Immaculate over the course of 2017 because so many bargains exist on the secondary market.  I paid $11.50 for this card right before Christmas.  The low price can  be solely attributed to the holiday season.  The same card sold for $45 in mid November.  I'll take it!

Thanks for reading. 


  1. I really like those multi-piece cards, reminds me of Tools of the Trade, which were awesome. While I tend to avoid relics these days you can't go wrong with something like that. Great player, too!

    1. Ha, that was my first thought when I got the Josh Bell version of this card. Tools of the Trade still wins though because they had every kind of relic imaginable.

  2. I live near Boston and I'm curious which card shop you visited? I'd love to check it out sometime.

  3. Nice spin on an eBay win, and cool card!

    1. It was kind of long winded....I had like 5 cups of coffee before noon yesterday.

  4. Totally agree with your sentiments on blogging, great post and great card as well!

  5. Since I returned to the hobby in 2008, I'd say 95% of my single card purchases have been off of eBay. I have 1 LCS within 30 minutes of my house, but rarely go there b/c of their prices. I do plan on attending more card shows this year, but the focus won't be on buying cards. It'll be hanging with collecting buddies, so we can talk shop.

    P.S. Nice Cutch!

    1. I was in a collecting rut before I started blogging because of all the eBay purchasing. The process was starting to bore me so I needed to branch out to make things fund again.

  6. Nice pickup!

    As someone who used to/still kind of dabbles in making custom cards, I like seeing card designs I don't normally get to. Sometimes my creativity flows better when I have a starting point of something that catches my eye.

    Also, like you said, I'll check for Cubs from the set.

    1. I'm always jealous of custom card makers. I've received some nice ones over the years from bloggers. Look forward to seeing some of yours.

  7. That is a sweet Cutch with a variety of swatches. The price is even sweeter.

    1. If you don't have one....I think another just popped up on eBay
