
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Big Unit

2004 Fleer Authentic Randy Johnson Auto /200

Sometimes the eBay beast can get the best of me, but I have no regrets. The Big Unit never signed much during his playing days so his auto carries a significant premium. I ran into a good deal and pulled the trigger (around $45). I must have been inspired watching all the highlights the MLB network has been showing lately leading up to his Hall of Fame induction. 

My non Pirate/WVU collections are pretty small these days, but I do still keep an eye out on certain players. Most are guys that I had autos of, but were sold off in the great consolidation of the mid 2000's. The Big Unit was an auto I didn't have, but always wanted. He had been featured in a few newer products, but those prices usually run well over $100. My best chance was this Fleer auto that runs much cheaper. 

By the way I'll probably close out my contest Monday morning.  Join here....

Also, make sure to read Kevin's great post today as he interviewed Buck 65 about his Ginter auto. Click here

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really like the design, and I think the white signature area works really well with the design. I always feel a little guilty when I snag a more expensive card that doesn't fit with my team collections, but I think having some diversity in the collection is always nice. Great pickup, Matt!

    1. I was a little guilty after I had the card in hand, but I'm glad I pulled the trigger.

  2. Wow, this is a pretty unexpected card for BWtP but it's a nice one! I agree with Mark that the signature area makes it look nice, and Randy really has a great signature. I don't blame you for ponying up for this, and I've been meaning to do the same with Greg Maddux, though I doubt I'll get as nice a deal as you did!

    1. Maddux is a tough signature for sure. He is another guy that I'm always looking, but have never found a deal.

  3. Johnson did a card show signing not too long ago and the price was way more than I was willing to spend (like $199). Congrats on getting a certified one for roughly one fourth of that.

    1. Yikes! $199. Better just to find a nice certified auto.

  4. Funny, I was just searching for an auto of his too. Glad you found one at a good deal.

    1. Search for this one. I think you can find it for around $50 if you are patent.

  5. $45 is a great deal for a Johnson auto! I look at his autographed cards all the time and that is a nice one, plus I would want it to be as a Diamondback! A lot of his autographs are as a Mariner or a Yankee.

    1. I would have loved to have one signed Big Unit, but those are crazy expensive. My only requirement was that I didn't want him in the Yankee uniform.

  6. This post inspired me to come up with a "Top 10 Auto Wants" for my wantlist, and he's on there, for sure. Nice score!

    1. I noticed that Maddux is even more expensive than Randy. He is another guy I would like to add.

  7. Awesome card. Recently picked up an autograph of Johnson for my newly started Lefty PC. Never realized how expensive his autographs go for, but glad to finally cross his name off of my list. Well... until Topps' produces a on-card autograph of him with the Expos.

    1. Lefty PC! That is pretty cool. Do you have a Kershaw?

    2. Yeah. Grabbed one of those, but still need a Price.

    3. That should be a pretty easy find. Rays cards go cheap.
