
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Beach Cards

I've spent the last 5 days in North Carolina doing the family beach thing. All in all it was a pretty good trip since this was my daughters first long car trip. I'm a night person so I just drove doing her normal sleeping hours and thankfully we avoided a car meltdown.  We weren't too worried though as she has already conquered an airplane ride, so if you can do that you should be able to handle the car. I'm also thankful for modern technology. Tip of the cap to my parents who were stuck with three boys beating the hell out of each other every trip.

It was cool seeing my daughters reactions to the aquarium. I enjoyed the pier beer immensely.  If I was president I would mandate that one afternoon beer should be consumed for the good of the country.  Vote Walk!

I did open one pack of cards doing my time off and pulled a Pirate!!!

Vintage stock team card /99.  I'm a sucker for these cards and I have accumulated quite a few parallels so this was an extra nice pull.

It was nice getting back in town and having today to get life back in order. The bad thing is I'm back on the road for a work retreat Saturday.  Maybe I'll find some cards, 100% chance I find a beer.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Pretty cool to pull a card /99 of your team!

    1. I've been pretty lucky in my limited pack opening to pull a few decent Pirates.

  2. You've got my vote! I like your beer each afternoon platform.

  3. Nice PC Pull. UH-OH that means its a PCP. Avoid any conflicts with the authorities. Hehe.

  4. Great pull. What was the beer? Sounds like a blast-even living near he sea I never get tired of looking at water. What a vacation

  5. Nice pics. Your story reminded me of a road trip we took to Reno. My son held a meltdown for about 5 hours of the 9 hours trip. That was one rough patch, but we laugh at it now.

    1. You just never know what might set them off. Thankfully my daughters meltdowns are not of the crying nature. She just gets clumsy and doesn't listen.

  6. i love NC. I considered moving there before making MI my home. you're creating great memories for your daughter! I'll have a campaign donation on the way soon!

    1. The Outer Banks are pretty nice. Much calmer than the likes of Va Beach or Myrtle. I want my next NC trip to be Asheville. So much good beer in that town!

  7. I'd vote for ya. Although... I'd substitute the beer for an Arnold Palmer. Or if you forced me to drink alcohol... give me a Jack and Coke.

    1. I'll make a special amendment for you to be able to drink Jack Daniels!
