
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Freese Warning

2017 Diamond Kings David Freese Auto/relic /15

Once I found out this card existed I had to have it.  The bad thing is that the prints runs on this card are super low so prices have been surprisingly high. Thankfully after a little back and forth with a seller it was mine for around $11. 

I'm always excited when role players get their first auto or relic with the Buccos.  Obviously David Freese signed a lot as a Cardinal (and this may be a sticker dump from that time), but I don't care. This card says Pittsburgh so it counts! 

Freese signed with the Pirates during Spring Training right before the 2016 season. It turned out to be a very important signing for the Buccos as injuries at third and poor production at first lead to a ton of playing time for Freese.  He played so well that the Pirates gave Freese a 3 year extension.  That deal also turned out to be very important with Jung Ho Kang's legal troubles. 

Freese's auto is pretty interesting.......

Thanks for reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Diamond Kings is probably my favorite Panini set. I'm a sucker for canvas cards.

  2. Great card-I am happy for the local STL boy.

    1. He has been a good signing for the Bucs, but he may be a trade candidate because he is signed so cheap.

  3. Replies
    1. If it wasn't for the sticker it would be a perfect non licensed card.

  4. Cool Freese. Panini did a good job with these Bat Kings relics.

    1. Yeah I like them. These cards are kind of a pain to find. All of the Freese cards were low numbered.

  5. David Freese bucco auto... thank you Panini!

  6. Very nice to see that Freese has an autograph. Seems like it's been awhile since he has been in a signer in a set.

    1. He had a bunch in about an 18th span during his Cards days and that was about it.
