
Saturday, March 11, 2017

1952 Trades

I've been sorting through some vintage cards I bought a few years back. Of course by sort, I mean get distracted and start looking names up on baseball reference and SABR.

 1952 Bowman George Strickland
1952 Topps Ted Wilks

When I was sorting the cards my initial thought was "hey that Strickland card is cool"  so I pulled it aside to showcase on the blog. As usual I started reading about George Strikland and found out that both he and Ted Wilks were traded to the Indians and 1952. 

When I saw the name Wilks I immediately knew I had shown a card of him before.. I featured him in a post about some vintage Bowman.  As I got a little further in my vintage stack I noticed I had a nice 52 Topps Wilks.  It was destiny that these two cards be put in the same post.  

Both guys are not well known, but each had about 10 year careers.  The Pirates were short tenures for each with Strickland staying around 3 years and Wilks part of 2 seasons.  

I love the vibrant colors of each card and both are in really nice condition. Gotta love vintage cards. They tell so many stories...

Thanks for reading.